Saturday, February 9, 2013

Counting eggs when they hatch....


Wednesday evening we started hearing baby chickies saying hello....

By thursday morning we had Bacon (Baby #1) then came Aegs (eggs, baby #2)

and then and then and then......but we are waiting for 1 more..not looking hopeful I found it on the edge of the nest barely under her and it was room temp...we'll see though...its not due to hatch till tomorrow (it was the last one laid)



Climbing on mama

Snuggle time

Snuggle time

Tandem climbing on mama

I found the food guys!!!  Come on out!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

And then there was 15.....


after a ridiculous day of phone calls, accidents and police from different areas....I come home and my sweet little black silkie "Flo-Rida" was laying lifeless only 4 feet from the coop....about a foot away was a new crime scene with feathers everywhere and large, "bird-like" scratches on the ground...poor little guy was missing from his lower beak all the way down to his legs.... 

Proud of myself that I didn't cry until I called Nate, but I totally cried like a 2 year old....then put on my big girl panties and  cleaned up the mess....

*poor sweet Flo-Rida* ...Your babies are hatching next weekend and will never know you...we'll tell them you died a heroes combat...probably with a hawk or eagle....