Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cock-a-doodle... do or don't????

The #3 most popular question I've gotten over the last 2 weeks is "Why the crap did you buy a rooster??"

Well, I'll tell you... BECAUSE.

Because, I want to make sure the girls have ample "encouragement" to lay nice eggs consistently.

Because, roosters provide the coop with protection.

Because, one of the smartest men I know when it comes to farming, building, plumbing (my father-in-law Charlie Schlaud) said..."if you're going to buy new pullets next year, why don't you just hatch your own?"...DUH, why didn't I think of that?

Because, he looks cool.

Because, roosters aren't fertile until about 10-12 months old so I don't have to worry about surprises in my omelet.

**You DO NOT need a rooster for your hens to lay eggs...makes for "safer" eggs, hahaha, to not have one....they will lay eggs if there is not a rooster, its what they do... HOWEVER, Jen's rhode island reds never laid eggs and she didn't have a rooster AND I have read on several websites that people had trouble with egg production without a rooster.

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