Sunday, January 27, 2013

cock-a-doodle WHO????

I should have known.....but still...are you kidding me???????   GAH!!!!    Rapunzel....has been....crowing...alllllll day....

Whenever Flo-Rida crows indoors, or Campbell crows outside...."Rapunzel" crows too....figures....

SO....  Rapunzel needs a new name....

1.) RuPaul (Suggested by Jen)
2.) Prince Charming (Suggested by Sydney)
3.) Flynn Ryder (suggested by Sydney)
4.) Eugene (suggested by's Flynn Ryder's real name)

**Wound update**  Scabbed over now so i'm just watching it and letting it heal naturally....I'm not reapplying anymore ointment, just making sure it stays clean...

more pics in a few days ----would be great to put him outside tuesday ...its gonna be in the 60's!!  My chance to get the other 2 silkies outta my house!!!!

** Mama Jazmine update** 

 Candled her eggs last night...totally saw something MOVING inside one of the silkie eggs...may have been 2 things moving and I hope i was just seeing things because I can't handle twin silkies my first time hatching eggs!!!  I'm not even sure you're supposed to see anything moving or not, but it seemed to move on its own.  I think we are on day 8 on 5 of them and day 7 on 1 and day 6 on 1....I'm not sure how to count it if she laid 2 more eggs after she started sitting....

1 comment:

  1. Okay Tracy I think I have finally tracked you down! lol You sent me a email last week at The Chicken Fountain and every time I try to respond it kicks it back saying email does not exist...Send me a note again and I'll get you the information you requested...Thanks
