Thursday, January 24, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.....

HEY LOOK.... SNOW!!!!  Finally!  I know its not much, but its something!  

Went out to let out the chickens because the sound of 8 crowing roosters is really super annoying.....this is what I found...

Please mama, please let us out.....we want to run!

And then ....

...wait...what the heck is that????  

Followed by....


And then...after I shoveled a path to the water....

Hmmmmm.....I know I have more chickens than this.... you all are.....pansies....OH, BUT LOOK!!  the easter egger young ladies are checking out the nesting boxes!!!!  Maybe some new eggs in the near future????  I HOPE SO!!!  WOOOHOOO!!!  And hopefully we'll get some green or blue eggs thanks to their daddy being an ameracauna!

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